
A Rural Library Created Lending Facilities For Only 100

A Rural Library Created Lending Facilities For Only 100- Teachingbee

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A Rural Library Created Lending Facilities for only 100 books and kept the lending desk open only on Mondays. Which were the days on which it also took stock of the books.

The position of the number of books lent (L) and returned (R) on the first three Mondays (M1, M2, M3) of the operation in the lending desk is presented through a bar graph given below.


How many of these books remained outside the library after stock checking on the third Monday?


  1. 30
  2. 50
  3. 60
  4. 40


The answer is option 2 i.e. 50.


On looking at the above bar graph

Total Books in stock = 100

Stock After First Monday

Since total books lent on first Monday are 80 .. So Stock left after first Monday is 100-80 = 20

Stock After Second Monday

After Second Monday there are 60 books lent and 50 books returned and since after First Monday total stock left was 20..

So after Second Monday stock left will be 20+ 50 -60 (Total Books After First Monday + Books Returned On Second Monday – Books Lent On Second Monday) =10

Stock After Third Monday

After Second Monday there are 40 books lent and 80 books returned and since after Second Monday total stock left was 10..

So after Third Monday stock left will be 10+ 80 -40 (Total Books After Second Monday + Books Returned On Third Monday – Books Lent On Third Monday) =50

So the Answer is 50.

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