
Access Specifiers In Java With Examples

Access Specifiers In Java With Examples TeachingBee

Access modifiers or access specifiers in Java control access to classes, methods, and member variables. They determine the visibility and accessibility of class members. Choosing the right access level is vital for encapsulation and API design.

In this article we will understand the four access specifiers along with their visibility, usage and best practices for access control.

What Is Access Specifier In Java?

Access Modifiers Or Access specifiers in Java are keywords that define the visibility or accessibility of classes, methods, and fields within a program.They determine whether these members can be accessed from outside the class or only within the class itself. They control how different parts of a Java program can interact with and access one another.

Different Types Of Access Specifiers In Java

Java provides four Access Specifiers/Access Modifiers, each with its own level of visibility. The four access specifiers in Java are:

  1. public
  2. private
  3. protected
  4. Default (Package-Private)

Let’s understand each of these access specifiers/modifiers in detail.

Access Modifiers In Java TeachingBee
Access Modifiers In Java

public Access Specifier In Java

The public access specifier in Java is the most permissive. It allows a class, field, or method to be accessed from any other class, regardless of the package. Members declared as public become part of the class’s public interface.


  • Accessible Anywhere: Public members are accessible from any class, regardless of the package.

Use Cases and Considerations

  • Use public when a member needs to be accessed from any part of the program.
  • Suitable for creating a well-defined and widely used API.

public class PublicExample {
    // Public field accessible from any class
    public int publicVar;

    // Public method accessible from any class
    public void publicMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a public method.");

public class AnotherClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of PublicExample
        PublicExample publicExampleObject = new PublicExample();

        // Accessing the public field from AnotherClass
        publicExampleObject.publicVar = 42;

        // Calling the public method from AnotherClass

        // Printing the value of the public field
        System.out.println("Value of publicVar: " + publicExampleObject.publicVar);

In this example, PublicExample defines a public class with a public field and method, and AnotherClass demonstrates the accessibility of these public members from another class. This illustrates the use of the public access specifier in Java.

private Access Specifier In Java

The private access specifier in Java is the most restrictive. Members declared as private are accessible only within the same class.


  • Accessible Within the Class Only: private members are accessible only within the class in which they are defined.

Use Cases and Considerations

  • Hiding Implementation Details: Use private when you want to hide implementation details and ensure a high level of encapsulation.
public class PrivateAccessExample {
    private int privateVar;

    public PrivateAccessExample(int initialValue) {
        this.privateVar = initialValue;

    public int getPrivateVar() {
        return privateVar;

public class AnotherClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of PrivateAccessExample
        PrivateAccessExample example = new PrivateAccessExample(42);

        // Attempting to access privateVar directly (will result in a compilation error)
        // Uncommenting the line below will result in a compilation error
        // System.out.println("Value of privateVar: " + example.privateVar);

        // Accessing privateVar using a public method
        System.out.println("Value of privateVar using getPrivateVar: " + example.getPrivateVar());

In this example:

  • The AnotherClass attempts to access the private variable privateVar directly, which will result in a compilation error.
  • Access to privateVar is then demonstrated using a public method (getPrivateVar) as the proper way to access private members from outside the class.

protected Access Specifier In Java

The protected access specifier in Java allows a member (field or method) to be accessed within its own package and by subclasses, whether they are in the same or different packages. It provides a middle ground between the unrestricted public access and the more restricted package-private (default) and private access.

This level of access is useful when you want to share certain functionalities with subclasses while still maintaining some level of encapsulation.


  • Accessible Within Package: Members declared as protected are accessible within the same package.
  • Accessible by Subclasses: protected members can be accessed by subclasses, whether in the same or different packages.

Use Cases and Considerations

  • Sharing Functionality Among Subclasses: Use protected when sharing certain functionalities with subclasses.
// File: MyBaseClass.java
public class MyBaseClass {
    // Protected field accessible within its own package and by subclasses
    protected int protectedVar;

    // Protected method accessible within its own package and by subclasses
    protected void protectedMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a protected method.");
// File: MyDerivedClass.java
public class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of MyDerivedClass
        MyDerivedClass derivedClassObject = new MyDerivedClass();

        // Accessing the protected field from MyDerivedClass
        derivedClassObject.protectedVar = 42;

        // Calling the protected method from MyDerivedClass

        // Printing the value of the protected field
        System.out.println("Value of protectedVar: " + derivedClassObject.protectedVar);

In this example, MyBaseClass defines a class with a protected field and method. MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass and demonstrates the accessibility of these protected members.

The protected field and method are accessible within the same package and by subclasses, showcasing the behaviour of the protected access specifier in Java.

Default Access Specifier In Java

When no access specifier is specified (default), the access level is package-private. This means that members are accessible only within their own package.


  • Accessible Within Package Only: Members with default access are accessible only within the same package.

Use Cases and Considerations

  • Encapsulation Within a Package: Use default access specifier when restricting access to members within the same package.
// File: DefaultAccessExample.java
class DefaultAccessExample {
    // Default (package-private) field
    int defaultVar;

    // Default (package-private) method
    void defaultMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a default method.");

// File: AnotherClass.java
public class AnotherClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of DefaultAccessExample
        DefaultAccessExample defaultExampleObject = new DefaultAccessExample();

        // Accessing the defaultVar field directly (since it is package-private)
        defaultExampleObject.defaultVar = 20;

        // Accessing the defaultMethod directly (since it is package-private)

        // Printing the value of the defaultVar field
        System.out.println("Value of defaultVar: " + defaultExampleObject.defaultVar);

In this above example, Both defaultVar and defaultMethod are used in AnotherClass without any compilation errors as both are placed in same package, showcasing the default access within the same package.

Key Takeaways

  • There are four access specifiers in Java – public, private, protected and default (package-private)
  • public provides visibility everywhere, private only within the class
  • protected allows access in the same package and subclasses
  • default enables access only within the same package

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What are the 12 modifiers in Java?

What is the significance of access specifiers in Java?

When should I use the public access specifier?

What is the difference between protected and default (package-private) access specifiers?

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