
How To Calculate Area of Hexagon in Java

Calculate Area of Hexagon in Java

In this article, we will see how to calculate area of hexagon in Java. A hexagon is a six-sided polygon with equal sides, and calculating its area involves geometry and trigonometry. Let’s dive in.

Problem Statement

Given the side length of a regular hexagon, we need to calculate its area. The input will include the side length, and the output should be the area of the hexagon. For Example:


Side length of the hexagon: 5.0 units


Area of the hexagon: 64.95 square units (rounded to two decimal places)


What Is The Area Of A Hexagon?

Area of a Regular Hexagon Formula: The area (A) of a regular hexagon with side length “s” can be calculated using the formula:

Area of a Regular Hexagon Formula
Area of a Regular Hexagon Formula

where “s” is the side length of the hexagon.

regular hexagon
Regular Hexagon

For example, let’s say we have a regular hexagon with a side length “s” of 6 units. We want to find its area.

  1. Putting the side length “s” into the formula: Area = (3√3/2) * (6²)
  2. Calculate 6², which is 36: Area = (3√3/2) * 36
  3. Calculate 3√3/2, which is approximately 2.598 (you can use a calculator for this): Area ≈ 2.598 * 36
  4. Multiply 2.598 by 36 to find area of hexagon : Area ≈ 93.528 square units

So, the area of a regular hexagon with a side length of 6 units is approximately 93.528 square units.


  • Accept the side length of the hexagon as input.
  • Calculate the area using the above area of a regular hexagon formula
  • To calculate square root of three, use Math.sqrt() function provided in Math libraryin java
  • Similarly, To get square of number use Math.pow()
  • Display the calculated area.

Java Code Implementation

// Calculate Area of Hexagon in Java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CalculateHexagonArea {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a Scanner for user input
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Prompt the user to enter the side length
        System.out.print("Enter the side length of the hexagon: ");
        double sideLength = scanner.nextDouble();

        // Calculate the area of the hexagon
        double area = (3 * Math.sqrt(3) * Math.pow(sideLength, 2)) / 2;

        // Display the calculated area
        System.out.printf("The area of the hexagon is: %.2f square units%n", area);
        // Close the scanner


Enter the side length of the hexagon: 5.0
The area of the hexagon is: 64.95 square units

Key Takeaways

  • The area of a regular hexagon can be calculated using the formula A = (3 * √3 * s^2) / 2, where “s” is the side length of the hexagon.
  • Java provides the Math.sqrt function to calculate square roots and the Math.pow function for exponentiation.

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